Cutting Edge Research

PBC Inc. constantly works to revolutionize snacking, including researching the best ways to consume Jif Peanut Butter and Chocolate Flavored Spread. The results are groundbreaking and mouthwatering.

Our Rich History

From humble beginnings to the biggest company in the spread sector, PBC Inc.'s story began long before 2024.

Innovation Starts at the Top

Meet the leadership team changing how the world enjoys peanut butter and chocolate flavors.

The former Peanut Butter Group CEO is an experienced leader with a track record of driving innovation in the spread sector. Her 20 year tenure as the Peanut Butter Group CEO saw her maximize growth, increasing the company's market cap, productivity, and profitability year over year.

She graduated summa cum laude from a prestigious university in Cambridge, Massachusetts before before receiving her Masters and PhD at the Eldenshire School of Business Leadership in Oxford.

As PBC Inc. continues to assert itself in the highly competitive sector, the Co-CEO remains hungry to revolutionize the business world, while satisfying the cravings of the new and future stakeholders alike.

The former Chocolatey Corp. CEO brings his two years of CEO experience to PBC Inc., where he will work with his Co-CEO to grow the new company. In his short time at the helm of Chocolatey Corp., he led the organization to consecutive years of stagnation, which he considers a positive.

He graduated from Rhode Island State University with a degree in business, before working in a variety of roles across nine different companies. This experience provides him a unique understanding of leadership, creating his personal style from the many people he's worked with.